SEQUENTIAL TRIGON-6 -new ANALOG polysynth!! (SOUNDS DEMO, no talking)
Six voices and new discrete VCO and VCF designs add warmth to the sound of the beautiful Sequential Trigon-6 – the polyphonic synth that embodies the latest design by guru Dave Smith…
[ESP] Seis voces y nuevos diseños discretos de VCO y VCF, añaden calor al sonido del bello Sequential Trigon-6 –el sintetizador polifónico que atesora el último diseño del gurú Dave Smith…
00:00:01 Dated Poly
00:00:13 Chewy
00:00:22 Edge Of Bass
00:00:45 Eventuation
00:01:09 Glide Pad
00:01:35 Greased
00:02:03 Mouthy Bass
00:02:21 Pulsar
00:02:45 Slighted
00:03:10 Wafers
Multitrack demos by Peter Dyer and Drew Neumann. All sounds recorded directly from Trigon-6, with only occasional light limiting and no additional processing. Special thanks to the entire sound design and audio demo team, including Peter Dyer, Drew Neumann, Julian Pollack, Matia Simovich and James Terris.
#trigon6 #sequential #synth
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Sequential Trigon 6 Sound Demo (no talking)
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Sequential Trigon-6 ► versatility demo by Jexus (no talking, sounds only)
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SEQUENTIAL TRIGON-6 -new ANALOG polysynth!! (SOUNDS DEMO, no talking)
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