Omicron the Years Ago, is Happening NOW

So I watched the rest of the movie which is here on Youtube, and I believe is public domain. Let’s just say I was floored. This film is happening right now. 🔵Claims made against this video fall under FAIR USE. If you are reviewing this content manually, understand that this content does NOT violate fair use laws and therefore cannot be claimed. Under case precedent Hosseinzedeh vs Kline, a judge ruled that critique of any copyright material whose intention is not to reproduce an original copy of the work, is allowed under fair use. This content includes 10 second or less segments of the original material mixed with extensive commentary not intended to be a reproduction of the original work. 🔵Stand against corporate social media monopolies & censorship by pledging your monthly support to the channel... 🔵MONTHLY (No PayPal account is necessary)
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