【翠華誕】地球最後の告白を 踊ってみた【みやこ】 - Niconico Video sm38224329

Sui-chan! !! Happy birthday (* ´꒳` *) February 5th Today! !! !! It’s Sui-chan’s birthday, who always gets along well! !! !! From last year to next year, I want to raise Midori Hana, I definitely want to post “The Last Confession of the Earth“! !! !! I was glad I was able to realize this year *. (๓´͈˘ `͈๓). * 楽曲本家様:sm18198019(kemu様) 使用音源様:sm31183320(Chiho(H△G)様 ) 振付ご本家様:sm31237659(足太ぺんた様) 撮影者様 : mylist/61283130(TOP様) ♡. 本日の主役 .♡ 翠華 mylist →mylist/65556900 Twitter→@suika_rabbit *踊った人&編集 みやこ Twitter→@miyako_pentars mylist→mylist/66736840 みやこ 02/05/2021 00:00 Views 722
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