Unnecessary Fuss 2nd Edition - PETA

Unnecessary Fuss (1985) Creator Unknown author Bibliographic Citation PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Abstract “The abuses documented on this videotape led the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to terminate the annual one million tax dollar brain-damage experiments on primates at the University of Pennsylvania. This rare footage filmed by the reseachers themselves, provides a unique and in-depth view of how at least some animal researchers conduct experiments on animals in an Ivy League institution.“ Set at the University of Pennsylvania, Head Injury Clinic. The Director of the Clinic said he would not discuss the issue because it was “unnecessary fuss.“ Experiments included primates with electrodes bolted into their heads, stab wounds in the neck, repeated head injury in baboon, unanesthetized animals cut into their heads. The video show footage filmed by researchers. There is some audio with PETA voice over occasionally. Date 1985 Subject Brain; Health; Primates; Researchers; Animal Experimentation; Type
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