Skeptoid Podcast #362 - Polybius: Video Game of Death

The infamous arcade game Polybius, said to drive players to suicide or madness, was never more than an urban legend. by Brian Dunning Filed under Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends Skeptoid Podcast #362 May 14, 2013 Podcast transcript If these game consoles were ever actually in Oregon, they must have gone somewhere. Many owners of rare and classic arcade games are members of the Vintage Arcade Preservation Society, which lists exactly one person as the owner of an original Polybius: Robb Sherwin, who lives in Colorado, and owns a dozen or so classic video games. However, Robb’s listing there is really just a placeholder for his website, Jolt Country with the Polybius Home Page. He lists most of what seems to be known about the urban legend, including a few photos of unknown origin, and a joke YouTube video he made where they find a Polybius game in a garage, turn it on, and — well, you can guess the rest.
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