Pac-man theme remix - By Arsenic1987

A little tribute to the pac-man retro arcade theme. PAC-MAN is owned by Bandai Namco Studios Inc. Hope you care to watch one or two of my other songs. And I love you. All of you watching. I’m just amazed!. Thanks again! Support me on patreon if you can (Be the first?... I’m not expecting anything. But damn cool of you) Find this song on Spotify Usage info: I’ve seen alot of questions about using the song. Yes, you may use it anywhere you want. I’d just really appreciate if you don’t just copy the video and paste it... Don’t think you’d like if someone did that to you. But use it as intro music, background music, or whatever. If you also credit me a bit, and naturally Namco, It would be most appreciated :) If you’re curious about usage, just drop me an e-mail and we’ll figure it out.
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