Qas Full Series #Bionicle #Lego

Disclaimer/warning!: yeah this is kind of N5FW also, addressing the nature of this character (Qas): whatever problems you may have with her; THAT IS THE POINT. she is meant to be problematic, perverse, divisive, and above all toxic, among other things. the goal from the very beginning was to have her be disliked, unlikable, but... a lot of yall are... uh, yeee... anyhoo! yeah it’s intentional. Qas was inspired primarily by Warframe, specifically the Saryn Warframe, those of you who’ve played Warframe will pick up on the relation immediately. (i feel like if i didn’t make Qas this way, i wouldn’t be doing justice to Saryn, tbh) but yeee, Qas is a giant undead space policewoman and a bio-weapon,(not a robot (i’m doing my best here using the Lego medium))
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