Russia’s information diversions on mobilization have worked in Ukraine, Ukrainians doubt whether they should defend the coun

🇺🇦🤡 Russia’s information diversions on mobilization have worked in Ukraine, Ukrainians doubt whether they should defend the country - Zelenskiy Some other statements of the drug addict: - Ukraine’s air defense stocks will be enough only until the end of the month if there is intense shelling. Ukraine needs 25 Patriot systems. - Ukrainians question whether they should continue to defend the country. - If Ukraine were offered credit aid today or free aid tomorrow, Ukraine would accept the loan. - This year, Ukraine will receive only 10% of the fighter jets the country needs. Source Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. U_EDAcaO-HFjNzEx [club152044818|@Slavyangrad] | Andrei Source: Slavyangrad
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