UniLend Finance - Universal DeFi protocol for blockchain assets - YouTube

UniLend Finance Description: Universal DeFi protocol for blockchain assets | UniLend is a permission-less decentralized protocol that combines spot trading services and money markets with lending and borrowing services through smart contracts. Our features: Permissionless, Lending & Borrowing, Liquidity, Trading, Flashloans, Governance | UniLend is a permission-less decentralized protocol that combines spot trading services and money markets with lending and borrowing services through smart contracts. The interest rates and collateralization ratio are based on supply, demand, and community governance. Borrowing limits are decided by liquidity in the trading pairs. UniLend allows both trading & DeFi capabilities to co-exist within the same protocol. This solves the liquidity and liquidation issue which is currently limiting the growth of DeFi adoption to a broader market. UniLend’s protocol allows users to create a spot trading pair and separate money markets for any token. This enables DeFi
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