Preparing AH-64 Apaches for Aerial Gunnery Exercise

U.S. Soldiers conduct routine maintenance on AH-64 Apache helicopters preparing the “birds“ for upcoming aerial gunnery range exercises. Aerial gunnery allows Soldiers to train on their mission essential tasks and improves the brigade’s readiness. The qualification exercise is part of an overall training progression in order to test and maintain skills. Credits: U.S. Army videos by Sgt. Thomas Stubblefield, Spc. Savannah Roy Thumbnail Credit: U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Isaac Graham The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. Derivative works: Military Archive ►Subscribe Now -- ►Know a second language? You could help bring videos to a wider audience via the following link below --
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