DCS: Mi-24P Hind | Hover, Taxi, and Takeoff

Pre-Order now and save 30% In this DCS: Mil-24P video, we’ll explore how to hover, taxi, and takeoff in the Hind. There are several variants of these that we’ll review, and these are based on the actual Mil-24P flight manual. Although there are by-the-book procedures, you may find procedures that work best for you. These are some of the most challenging things you can do in a helicopter, but you also get a great sense of pride and accomplishment once you have mastered them. Keyboard Commands Not Available to Mouse Interaction: Controls Indicator: Right Ctrl Enter Collective Increase: Num Pad Collective Decrease: Num Pad - Cyclic Forward: Arrow Key Up Cyclic Left: Arrow Key Left Cyclic Right: Arrow Key Right Cyclic Aft: Arrow Key Left Anti-Torque Pedal Left: Z Anti-Torque Pedal Right: X Fore Trim Button: T Wheel Brakes: W Useful Mi-8MTV2 Videos: Hover: Taxi: Takeoff:
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