Taking Ammianus Marcellinus as a cue, I push deep into an ancient wood rich with beech and oak and pine carrying a full Arcanus or scout set-up. On the site of a long-abandoned hill fort, I halt to establish a small camp and prepare a midday meal over a fire. Later, I practice with the sling using the vertical over-arm method and then rehearse the six guard, or ‘custodes’, positions suitable for the semi-spatha when fighting without a shield. As the time to retire approaches, I stand watch over a distant lake and then strike the camp to leave the wood.
The day was about trying out various items and kit to see how well it performed and enjoy a rich Spring day that alternated between bright sunshine and rolling clouds. The bluebells were beginning to emerge and deep in the shadows deer and hares scampered away.
This was preparation for a longer, multi-day, trek once Summer arrives.
Thanks to Daegrad for many of the items used here and also Tony Drake for the Roman galley