G-DRAGON - 무제 無題 (Untitled, 2014) - VIOLIN (바이올린)

안녕. 내이름은 구텍이고 현재 한국에 살고 있어. 팝음악을 연주하길 즐기는 나는 클래식 바이올린을 전문적으로 공부한 사람이지. 내 채널에 구독을 신청해줘. 나에게 힘이 될꺼야. 즐감하길. This time you can listen the Violin version of G-DRAGON - 무제 無題 (Untitled, 2014) If you like my Violin version of this KPOP song please hit like buton and write a comment below. Also don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more Kpop Violin covers and Violin versions. Hi. My name is Gutek and currently I live in Korea. I’m p
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