Nutrition Tier Lists: Drinks

Quick! Go get a glass of water! Ok, now that you’re back, drinks. Easily the most overlooked piece of the nutrition puzzle, especially as it pertains to weight loss. The things you can consume and not even know it while drinking is astonishing, and it’s time we bring awareness to the liquid lifelines, and the fluid failures. What I Would Change: Addressing Diet Sodas and Artificial Sweeteners in general. I could have been more elaborate. I found way too much inconsistent information for me to give them a pass, and Diet Sodas offer no nutritional value anyway. However, a while after making this video I had to chance to look more into artificial sweeteners and find them to be a much less risky option. So in hindsight, I would move Diet Sodas up the C or D tier. However, I can’t rank them any higher due to their lack of actual nutritional contribution. Under the Milk section, Phosphorus is listed twice. The less dense one is supposed to be Potassium. All nutrient d
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