Xenotaph - Inversion Ritual

First track off of “Media Morte in Vita Sumus“ by American black metal band Xenotaph. Firmly in the grasp of the Devil now, I begin my descension far below a pantheon of broken gods, where my true direction may be carved: downward, inward, deeper into the wound which bore the world, that wound inflicted upon itself, that platform for all pain to exist upon. Beset with his madness, I tremble before the vastness of his presence. My flame grows colder, darker as the Adversary bears me in his throes. Eternity is open below me. My wings are burned black and carry me only down away from the creaking mass of a ruined tree of life. The eye upon the apex is gouged and the illumination you so fear exists below - where I have raised my left hand to sever the right, where I have gazed upon YHWH’s light and torn out my eyes; for I have found the temple of the Androgyne Divine and shall stand before its gleaming majesty to style myself as a god.
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