Plasma Arc Vortex Speaker

After replacing the power supply and adding an RC snubber across the flyback transformer primary, my plasma speaker is already much louder. The addition of a more powerful PSU, it allowed me to also reduce the number of turns on the primary, which increased the voltage output. The RC snubber not only protects the MOSFET from the inductive spike of the flyback transformer, but it also drastically reduces the ringing associated with the capacitance between the MOSFET drain and source and the leakage inductance of the flyback transformer. The music your hear is only from the arc and nothing else. There are no other sources of music in the room. It works by using a 555 timer to convert an audio input signal into a frequency modulated signal used to drive a flyback transformer. Parts I Used to Make my Plasma Speaker: 1. 12V 50A Power Supply: 2. Flyback Transformer: 3. Ceramic ring magnet: 4. Stainless steel electrodes(or tungsten). You can make them from rods found in printers. The larger, the better because small electrodes will melt. 5. Copper Grounding lugs: 6. Block of wood to mount the grounding lugs. 7. At least 2 Logic Level MOSFETs- The STP40NF10L I used are great because they have a super low Rdson at 5V and even lower at higher voltages. 8. Heatsinks - Preferrably with a fan to further cool them down. 9. Heatsink compound: 10. NE555 Timer - Be wary of using other 555 variants as some are not capable of driving the MOSFETS directly. 11. audio cable: 12. Other components shown in the schematic. See instructions on how to make your own here: For this audio input to my circuit in this video, I used the audio from this video playing on my phone: The vortex is producing the sound here and nothing else. Please visit Eric Goodchild’s channel to see more Tesla coil music. Please support my channel to help me make more videos: FOLLOW:
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