Calibre Infinite - Too many Sins to Take
This song was produced, recorded, mixed and by Peter C in 2017.
Mastered by: Christian Gschneidner
Bass was Played by the great Alexander Langner of Chaosbay
Set, Costume and Camera: Leah Glückler
Set, concept and Editing: Peter C
Filming and Colors: Flemming Kruck
Artwork: @_logur on Instagram
Tarot Cards: Daniel M
Black Man At Tarot Session: Peter C
The man in the forest: Pascal Forneck
Filmed on various locations and Times of Day throughout 2021 and 2022
Mostly in winter, mostly in the early mornings.
If you want to support this project:
Go to:
There you can download this Song on Bandcamp for “Pay what you want“.