Showbiz Korea-SHINEE′S COMEBACK 샤이니 컴백

ON SCENE SHINEE′S COMEBACK The popular boy group SHINee′s back! The group held their 4th solo concert titled ′SHINee World 4 in Seoul.′ The group′s holding a performance in Korea after a year and 2 months, and they released their 4th album titled ′Odd.′ And thus, fans showed a lot of interest in this event. The members look more handsome than before and are back with mature tunes. ON SCENE 샤이니 컴백 SHINee′s Back! 샤이니의 네 번째 단독콘서트 ′샤이니 월드 4 인 서울′이 드디어 열렸습니다! 이번 콘서트는 샤이니가 1년 2개월 만에 서는 국내 무대이자 4집 앨범
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