Srebrenica Genocide Resolution Receives International Support Despite Serbia’s Protest

The vote on the Srebrenica genocide resolution is scheduled to take place at the beginning of May. If adopted, July 11 would be designated The International Day of Remembrance of the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide. It has been put forward by Germany and Rwanda and backed by the United States, Italy, Turkiye, France and other nations. But it has been strongly rejected by Serbia and Bosnian Serbs whose leader Milorad Dodik, once again, denied the genocide, organised the protest, and vowed that if it passes, the majority Serb entity would split from the rest of the country. Across The Balkans, hosted by Nafisa Latic, is TRT World’s programme that focuses specifically on the issues and fault lines shaping Southeast Europe today. Watch other episodes of ‘Across the Balkans’ 👉 Subscribe: Livestream: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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