Théoden son of Thengel- The Two Towers

Gandalf: Ah. Háma: I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Grayhame by order of Grima Wormtongue. (Gandalf nods to the others and they all start disarming themselves and handing their weapons over to the Edoras soldiers.) Háma: Your staff. Gandalf: Oh, no. You would not part an old man from his walking stick? (Háma grimaces and gives a slight nod then turns to lead them into the hall. Gandalf winks at Aragorn.) Grima: (Whispers to Théoden) My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming. (The doors close behind them.) Grima: He’s a herald of woe. Gandalf: The courtesy of your hall has somewhat lessened of late Théoden King. Grima: (Whispering) He’s not welcome. Théoden: (Haltingly) Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow? Grima: A just question my liege. Late is the hour in which this conjuror chooses to appear. Lots spell I name him, ill news is an ill gu
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