Pina Picierno (PD) attacca Francesca Donato che propone in Europa una inchiesta in Ucraina
Al termine del mio intervento oggi in Plenaria a Strasburgo, l’On. Pina Picierno (PD), che presiedeva la seduta quale vicepresidente, ha irritualmente replicato alle mie parole, con toni assolutamente inadeguati al ruolo che rivestiva.
Ha affermato che “questo Parlamento non può essere un megafono di posizioni inaccettabili” e “non permetto che in quest’aula si sostengano queste tesi”, aggiungendo che “il massacro di Bucha non può essere messo in dubbio” (benché io non l’abbia affatto messo in dubbio, bensì abbia chiesto un’inchiesta per accertarne le responsabilità, a fronte di elementi oggettivi di ambiguità) e sostenendo che la responsabilità russa è innegabile. Infine ha concluso con “questo Parlamento non è equidistante, se ne faccia una ragione”.
Oggi abbiamo assistito ad una pagina davvero degradante per quella che dovrebbe essere l’istituzione simbolo della democrazia europea: il diritto di intervento e la libertà di espressione di un deputato europeo, nell’esercizio delle sue funzioni, viene negato dal Presidente durante il dibattito in aula, snaturando l’essenza del dibattito stesso.
Davvero una pagina inquietante, oltre che un brutto spettacolo per i cittadini che credono alla democrazia.
il mio intervento tradotto per gli amici anglofoni:
High Commissioner; Colleagues :
the conclusions of the European Council on the war in Ukraine contain declarations that have not efficacy and are not useful in achieving the goal that we should all pursue, namely the cessation of the ongoing conflict.
Demanding that Russia withdraw unconditionally, allowing the restoration of the situation prior to the entry of its troops on Ukrainian territory, is a pure verbal, pleonastic and unrealistic exercise.
Moreover, Ukraine before February 24 was not exactly a peaceful country - given the war in Donbass that has been going on for 8 years, and there too there have been massacres of civilians, women and children, in our indifference - nor was it democratic - given the repressive measures taken by their government against Russian-speaking citizens and the opposition. In any case, the sanctions imposed on the Russian and Belarusian people have had no effect on the war scenario, while they have triggered a very serious energy crisis and repercussions on the industrial, agricultural and food systems of European countries.
Today we hear a total embargo of Russian gas - absolutely unsustainable for our economy - due to the massacres of civilians reported by the Ukrainian government, as to the veracity of which there are many doubts. Rather, it is necessary to have an independent investigation in Ukraine to check for the real dynamics of the facts and the real responsibility for the violence against civilians. The UN undersecretary general, speaking to the United Nations Security Council, reported of sexual violence by Ukrainian forces and civil protection militias. The UN is verifying these allegations. Furthermore, funding for the arms industry, as well as further sanctions, can only prolong the war, increase the death toll, aggravate the crisis affecting an already weak Europe today. The European Union must recover a role of impartiality and objectivity, identifying its own representative who is super partes, to facilitate the negotiation and bring about the cessation of hostilities, possible only through effective mediation, which sees neither losers nor winners. Our citizens want a Europe that promotes peace and stability, they do not want to finance war and exacerbate a rift with our neighboring governments and populations both geographically and culturally. Let’s listen to them!
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