Insight200+ data logger test flight in USA by Harlem Lilley

Insight200 data logger test flight in USA Congratulations to @harlem_lilley03 with his successful L2 rocket “LARRY” launch on 17th of October! This time all went perfect except landing. Rocket splashed down into the canal, and all the E-bay electronics were shorted. Thanks to SD card used by Insight200 , we have data intact. That is the exact case when datalogging to SD card is more reliable, than using flash memory. Some insights from the flight data: Apogee: 7224 feet (2202m) Max velocity: 540 mph (870 km/h) Descent speed on drogue: 62 ft/s (18 m/s) Descent speed on main chute: 20 ft/s (6 m/s) Main chute deploy altitude: 810ft (247m) Rocket launch mass: 6961g Motor: Cesaroni K740 #rocket #insight200 #electronics #rocketlaunch #usa #russia #rocketry
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