Sam Husseini Interview - Understanding #VotePact & How The Two Party System Protects The Status Quo

Joining me today is independent journalist and founder of Vote Pact, Sam Husseini, here to discuss an alternative choice to what is all too commonly presented as the only path forward: voting for one of two pre-selected insider candidates from one of the two chosen parties. Instead of this redundantly illusory dynamic, Sam proposes making a vote pact with another disillusioned two-party voter to agree to vote outside the two party illusion. As Sam puts it: “Most voters don’t vote for—often don’t even consider voting for—third parties because they view voting for a third party as helping the establishment party they most hate. Disenchanted Democrats continue to vote for Democrats because they don’t want Republicans; disenchanted Republicans continue to vote for Republicans because they don’t want Democrats. Both are trapped by fear and loathing.“ In today’s interview, we discuss how this pact would work, why it will circumvent the typical excuse of “helping the other side“, and the over
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