Е.Виттинг/ 1912

Евгений Виттинг (1884—1959 гг.). Свадьба (Нас венчали не в церкви). Старинный русский романс (А. Даргомыжский, аранж. А. Тимофеевa - А. Тимофеев). 1912. Evgeni Vitting (1884—1959). Svadba (Wedding). Old Russian Romance (A. Dargomyzhsky, arranged by A. Timofeev - A. Timofeev). Recorded in 1912. The painters are: J. Klever, N. Atryganjev, Vasnetsov, L. Kamenev, I. Shishkin, S. Solomko, E. Volkov. We were not crowned in the church, we had no wedding ceremonies. We were crowned by midnight in the gloomy forest, the stormy wind sang wedding songs for us, Love and Freedom wove wreaths for us, trees drank at the festivity...
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