Sheep Without A Shepherd 误杀 | Official UK Trailer

Showing in Virtual Cinemas and as part of Chinese Cinema Season from 12 April. Available on Digital 26 April. Lee (XIAO Yang) and his wife Jade (TAN Zhuo) run a small company in Thailand. They have two lovely daughters and live a happy life. However, his eldest daughter kills the son of Lawan (Joan CHEN) in self-defence. To protect his daughter and families, Lee has to bury the body and cover the truth. Lawan is the head of the regional police, and she is dying to find her missing son. The contest between Lee and Lawan is beginning. 李维杰与妻子阿玉来泰打拼17年,膝下育有两个女儿,年届四十的他靠开设网络公司为生,为人也颇得小镇居民的好感,而这一切美好却被突如其来的不速之客打破。这个充斥走私,贩毒活动的边陲小镇,各种权力交织碾压公平正义。李维杰的大女儿被督察长的儿子强暴,因反抗误杀对方。李维杰曾亲眼 目睹督察长滥用私刑,深知法律无用,为了维护女儿,捍卫家人,李维杰埋尸掩盖一切证据,在时间与空间的交错缝隙中,与&
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