Felix Fukuyoshi - Martial Arts Action Reel 2021

4 years have past and it’s time for another demo reel XD. Honestly it wasn’t quite easy the last few years due to health issues (Bell’s Palsy in 2019, then hip replacement in 2020). The good news is my hip feels like new now and my functionality is back to about 80%, but I still haven’t fully recovered from my facial paralysis so my mimics in my right face side are a bit off. Over time and with therapy I hope it’ll be good again. So due to those issues I was quite restricted performance wise but that didn’t stop me from being creatively active as much as I could. I knew that better days were ahead of me and that it could always be much worse. Life ain’t just sunshine and rainbows!! I want to express my sincere gratitute to the people who have supported me in those times and have been part of this journey. LIFE IS A FIGHT - IF YOU STOP FIGHTING YOU WILL STOP LIVING!!
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