Fencing Footwork You Can Practice at Home - Beginer Workout (Revised Version)

Beginner Workout: Exercise #1 - Hold en garde for 30sec. 10sec. flex Exercise #2 - Hold lunge for 30sec. Exercise #3 - Balance exercise right leg out and back 3x left leg out and back 3x Exercise #4 - Stepping in place 30sec. (15 sec. slow, 10 sec. medium, 5 sec. fast) Exercise #5 - 1 Advance, 1 retreat 5x; 2 advances, 2 retreats 5x… up to 4 5x Exercise #6 - Bouncing in place while in the en garde position 15sec.; Bouncing forward and back while in the en garde position 15sec. Exercise #7 - 3 Sets of 10
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