BC Liberals downplay reports of caucus in chaos

Caucus chair says meeting called for Thursday, “business as usual“ Victoria - The BC Liberals are saying there is no truth to reports their caucus is in chaos. A meeting of all government-side MLAs has been called for later this week. But will it be a bear-pit session, with backbenchers taking swipes at Premier Gordon Campbell, or a chance planning session ahead of a major sales pitch on the HST? Caucus Chairman Ron Cantelon says it’s a “forward“ looking meeting -- and the only opportunity the party’s MLAs will have to meet before the Nov. 19-21 convention in Penticton. But with his personal approval numbers in the single digits Campbell will be facing a leadership review from rank and file members at the convention, and there are those who want him gone. Speculation has been that members aren’t happy with the premier, or his government’s decisions without much warning, to run up a $1.4 billion deficit, bring in the HST - or cut a deal to pa
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