Venti Steals Everyone’s Children | Genshin Impact Animatic

If I had a nickel for every time an archon’s son received an anemo vision I’d have two nickels which isn’t much but it’s weird that it happened twice ⭐ Original Audio: Idk if the camera picked it up but Zhongli and Ei are in the background with their own geo and electro visions because they were going to give them to their sons but Venti beat them to it Keyword Spaghet: Scaramouche, Anemo Scara, Raiden, Raiden Ei, Ei, Electro, Anemo, Eleazar, Sumeru, Dunyarzad, Dehya, Vision Hunt Decree, Dori, Kokomi, Childe, Targaglia, Gorou, Raiden Shogun, Lisa, Bennett, Xiangling, Akedimiya, Barbara, Mona, Yanfei, Xiao, Windrise, Aether, Sayu, Lumine, Diona, Amber, Dvalin, Collei, Candace, Kusanali, Enkanomiya, Fatui, Shenhe, Tighnari, Qiqi, Jean, Inazuma, Benny’s Adventure Team, Paimon, Kaeya, Venti, Nahida, Eula, Fischl, Morax, Stormterror, Diluc, Andri
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