Making a Magical World in a Shelf (a Shelforama!)

AD: Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code NERDFORGE. ❤️Thanks to our Patrons: 👕 MERCH: Making a magical diorama inside a shelf that can be displayed around the house without taking up too much space. Such a great and fun little DIY project that anyone could participate in! Make your own and tag it with #shelforama! 🧰 MATERIALS: ________________________________ - 30cm x 30cm x 11cm square shelf Rock base: - XPS styrofoam - Hot glue/spray glue/ other adhesive - Acetone to melt the styrofoam - Exterior foam coat (Hot Wire Foam Factory) - Plaster - Acrylic paint Rivers: - Polymer clay - Vacuum formed resin molds - Epoxy resin & pigments (blue & turquoise) - Epoxy glue Buildings: - Cutting templates - the ones I made can be found on Patreon with the link
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