Chandrayaan How it Landed Moon #chandrayaan3 #3d

The Chandrayaan Landing phase of Decent can be Divided into several stages Stage 1 The Vikram Lander starts its descent from 30 Kilometers Stage 2 At 7.4 km the Thrusters fires up making a rough braking process Stage 2 At this stage, Vikram Lander uses Attitude Hold, This Is the autopilot setting that will hold the pitch of the aircraft constant when set to this mode, at this angle. Stage 3 It is here thrusters initiate the Fine Braking Process, Stage 4 This is the Terminal Descent Phase, it is at this stage it uses all it thrusters to land on the surface of the moon. Stage 5 If the lasers and Cameras detect, an unsuitable landing site it’s programmed to be moved to150 m in search for a planned B Landing Site. Instagram Twitter We make it on Blender Download it is free and Safe Peace Out As a Small Channel We encourage you sharing our Videos , But Kindly be advised that any unofficial translations or editing of our work in any medium will be considered a breach of our intellectual property rights. Apologies for the Legal Language, This happens because we had faced a lot of Duplicates Contents through Experiences ;) This has been a result of Big Channels Duplicating our Contents Ripping our original hard work which we have created from Scratch from Modeling to Rigging to Animation to we had to involved Lawyers.
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