This is a fanmade video version of Quick Waipa’s doujin that tells the events before #KemonoFriends 1, how Fennec & Arai-san met.
The original video is from , I took the translation from Danbooru, made the subtitles and added more background music.
1 просмотр
7 месяцев назад 00:00:13 156
#wolforez #dancing With some #furry friends | kemono furry
8 месяцев назад 00:00:14 5
Gray Wolf Dance! [SFM | KEMONO FRIENDS | Shigure ui]
8 месяцев назад 00:00:19 95
@#WolfOREZ and my friend 梓樱酱那个字念zi #dance #FATE ~ Again~😂#gidle #kpop #fursuitcommunity #furrycommunity #furry | kemono furry