Nina Ogot Band Dala Tour Germany / Austria 2021

Nina Ogot goes on month’s tour to Germany and Austria to showcase her most current album -DALA. Her 8-piece band ensemble is a collaboration between musicians from 5 different countries including: France, Martinique, Germany, Kenya and Belgium. Nina Ogot – Singer/Songwriter/Guitars Rafaello Visconti- Lead Guitars Thierry Jasmin- Banare- Bass Guitar Hannes Dunker- Drums Arne Dreske- Keyboards Jan Urnau- Trombone Christian Spors – Trumpet Laure Fischer- Saxophones/Flute Heinrich Brügge- Sound Engineer Special Thanks to: The Treasures of Kenya More info: Follow Nina Ogot: Dala Album available on: =sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Nina Ogot&qid=1589797259&s=dmusic&sr=1-3
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