UNICAT Expedition Vehicle: Off-road capability

How much off-road capability is necessary for a expedition vehicle ? For us at UNICAT , a expedition vehicle is more a tool than a toy and it´s purpose is to bring the owners to the nicest and most remote places on our planet and to provide shelter, comfort and safety while driving or while standing somewhere. Of course, without a certain offroad capability, it would not be a expedition vehicle but how extreme do you want to go and what do you have to give up for that. Many people think that if they choose a chassis that is well known for it´s off-road capability, ( like the Unimog or other mainly military vehicles ), they believe that with that decision, the chapter offroad capability is covered and can be closed. But then, as comfort and range is also important, they want to put a too long, too high and to heavy body on that chassis. But if you do that, you loose a lot or all of the offroad capabilities that chassis has promised.
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