BMT Episode 10 Vladimir Trukhan on lates events

Our today’s guest- Colonel of the Central Apparatus of the Russian Ministry of Defense in reserve Vladimir Trukhan, Vladimir is also social psychologist. Our expert: Mike Mihajlovic top military engineer, who has 20 years of experience as an officer (First in the Yugoslav army then in the Canadian armed forces) and reached the rank of captain We were joined by our founder – Aleks who is expert in economics and technology. Today we discussed: - Short overview of the events since 2014 (or. better say, 2004) - Possible partisan movement in the Ukraine - Recent military success of Russia - State of Ukrainian air defence - Possible supply of Taurus missiles, FPV drones and etc to the AFU - Possible provocations in Transnistria - Black Sea fleet - What Russian equipment AFU have really destroyed - Is Russia really importing ammo? - Navalny - who was he and was he that significant, as he is portrayed Resporces of Col. Vladimir Trukhan: || http
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