Honcho Front Bumper Modification & Rear Bumper Axial SCX10 trail TR Hop-Ups

Brackets brought from This is a video showing the mods I made to my Honcho for the front rear bumper. I added the rear bumper AX80039B to finish the arches I created in a previous video and moved the front bumper up and back. I did this as I found the honcho, against the CF100 kit, got caught on the aproach to rocks, AX80044.. To change the style and look of the Honcho I also used the Dingo bumper AX80039A - the lenses in this I made from those supplied with the kit. If you need the brackets for the front bumper mod please drop me a line. Screws mentions for LED’s are AXA013 Thanks for watching and please support with a thumbs up.
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