You are absolutely fluent in English if you can understand these

If you can understand these jokes in English then you are definitely fluent! In this lesson I talk you through HOW to understand jokes and puns to fully enjoy fluent English conversations. 📝 *GET THE FREE LESSON PDF* _here_ 👉🏼 📊 *FIND OUT YOUR ENGLISH LEVEL!* _Take my level test here_ 👉🏼 👩🏼‍🏫 *JOIN MY ONLINE ENGLISH COURSES:* - _We have launched our B1 and B2 Complete English Programmes!_ 🌐 *VISIT MY WEBSITE* for an _interactive pronunciation tool_ and _more free lessons:_ 🗣 *ENGLISH SPEAKING PRACTICE* _Are you looking for private language lessons?_ Find your perfect 1-on-1 language tutor with *LanguaTalk!* Make sure they are right for you with a free trial class here 👉🏼 (Ad - affiliate) I’ve
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