Targeted Individual, Covert Surveillance, Cloning

This is my 2nd video attempt. The first was taken down for some reason. Definition of Targeted Individuals. Terminology of what some of the words surrounding this silent take down program mean. We are the ones who speak out for justice. Whistleblowers, political dissidents, children of the secret programs, Christians, Atheists, Pagans and any other group who is speaking out against the injustice of those in charge of our world today. We are under attack by the secret agencies of these puppet ran governments. They use a “Stasi“ secret ran movement on us that was used pre WW2 before the Nazis murdered over 2 million Jews. Wake up people we need you to wake up. It is really going on under your noses. ALL MY VIDEOS MAY BE USED BY OTHER PEOPLE TO BRING ATTENTION AND AWARENESS TO THIS TOTAL ABUSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND GOVERNMENT CONTROL.
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