TCCC Tactical Combat Casualty Care Set - Currently in Use by USSOCOM

TICS™ combines access capabilities, mobility, and critical care components to support Special Operations Forces (SOFs) in far forward and austere environments where definitive medical support is not available. Integrating Tribalco’s core blend of program expertise, worldwide logistics reach, and subject matter experts, TICS™ delivers modular capabilities to all phases of care, including extraction, mobility, transportation, and sustainment. TICS™ offers advanced system modularity and accessibility along with the potential for multiple configurations. These features enhance decentralized teams with the ability to self-recover by enabling SOFs to move advanced care as far forward as possible. TICS™ also aids the advanced tactical practitioner’s ability to keep a wounded SOF member alive from the point of wounding to the point of definitive care. Extraction Extraction and rescue are critical components of survival. Specifically, extraction is the most time-consuming and technically challenging part
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