Robb&Margaery [Love in the Dark]

HD HEADPHONES OMGGGGG I’VE REACHED 7,000 SUBS! THIS IS INSANE?!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! It’s been a while since i posted anything and i’m finally back with a robbaery video (shocking). This one is dedicated to sam! I was supposed to finish it for her birthday but i’m so slow when it comes to crossovers (sorry again sam, ily). Anyway, happy belated birthday! About the video what can i say, i love them a LOT and i’m sorry for making them bittersweet in this video but i wanted to add angst (lmao). Summary: Robb and Margaery are married but their relationship is slowly becoming more and more difficult as they go through several miscarriages. As Margaery struggles with losing her child, Robb cheats on her with Talisa. They fight a lot but they love each other and Margaery eventually forgives him. In the end, Robb realizes how much he has hurt her and decides to leave her so as not to cause her more pain. Nex
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