Installation/ Komposition:
watch a making of STUPID ORCHESTRA here:
former presentation:
2012: at the 7th plurred edge festival in Hamburg
summer 2011: Technische Sammlungen Dresden
spring 2011: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
visit whitetube on facebook:
Arranged like a symphony orchestra, approximately 200 antique vacuums, mixers and washers are transformed into musical instruments. They form an ensemble that the conductor, harpsichordist and composer Michael Petermann, alias , has now completed after eight years of preparation: The Stupid Orchestra.
Angeordnet wie ein Sinfonieorchester verwandeln sich rund 200 historische Staubsauger, Mixer und Waschmaschinen in Musikinstrumente. Sie bilden ein Ensemble, das der Dirigent, Cembalist und Komponist Michael Petermann alias Weisserrausc