Juliet Explains Lost Ending: Reprised

She explains during her death, “It worked“. It didn’t make sense until the finale. (This is better quality, better editing, and a MUCH better explanation of Juliet explaining the end of LOST) She explains exactly that when Desmond unplugs the island, MIB’s power is gone, and it’s not against the rules (she says it’s technically legal). We even see that when Sawyer unplugs the machine the power goes out. Just like the island’s power that gives MIB his invincibility. “Can I tell you a secret? If you unplug it, and then you plug it back in again.. the candy just drops right down. And it’s technically legal..“ It is like when Desmond had the flashes of this afterlife without actually dying... When she is dying she randomly says, “We can go dutch“ (right after scene, when he asks for coffee) also “It worked.“ Was in both this video. If anyone doesn’t see what was done here... they forgot LOST or didn’t pay attention to it.
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