Love Foolosophy ♫ Funky, Disco & Soulful House Mix ♫ Jamiroquai, Dave Lee, Jay Vegas, Qwestlife
For this recording I have selected the best funky, disco & soulful house tracks from my current top 100 and blended these with a few of my all time favorite tunes. As always, I’ve included many new versions of classics, fresh edits and remixes, in order to bring you that up to date, old school flavor that we all love.
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01. (00:00) HP Vince - Sexy Music (Danny Cruz Disco Reprise)
02. (04:38) Dave Lee ZR, Joey Montenegro - Make A Move On Me (Original Disco)
03. (11:05) Rony Breaker feat. Nathan Thomas - We Came to Sing (Qwestlife Boogie)
04. (16:00) Nick Hussey, Jamie Van Goulden - Go All Night
05. (20:38) Re-Tide, Mattei & Omich - Ain’t Nothin’ Goin’ On But The Rent
06. (25:24) Funkatron - Second Choice (Jay Vegas Classic Disco)
07. (31:05) Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy (Sgt Slicks Discotizer ReCut)
08. (36:28) Soulsearcher - Can’t Get Enough! (Jazz-N-Groove Nu Disco)
09. (42:11) The Dukes - Mystic
10. (47:17) Street Player - Nothing You Can Do (Tseba)
11. (52:19) Oliver, Kiinjo - Right Here
12. (55:25) De Nuit - All That Mattered (Love You Down) (Junior Jack Vocal)
13. (1:01:14) Miss Luna - What He’s Looking for (Free from Desire)
14. (1:06:07) Nathan G feat. Sh’Kye - New Beginnings
15. (1:12:37) Funky Green Dogs - Body ( Collective Ruff)
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► A word of gratitude to our Patreon, PayPal & BuyMeaCoffee supporters: Sergej Erbis, Simglisseur, Michael Siegert, Jay Eddicot, Tanja Pazou, Henner Knabenreich, Laura Chaumont, Masanaga Kitamoto, Hannah Dando, Thomas Kopatz, Sascha Fischer, Brian Lopez, W M “Will”, Francisco Homsi, Tracey Williams, Melisa Rillera, Camiel Ekelmans, Máté Fűzy, Ivan Naydenov, João Arantes, Boyd Fields, Frankie Eclavea, Michael Jimenez, Roderick Hulme, Chris Mills, Papishopps, Ferconce, Vic Torrio, Marek Guertler, Patrik Štábel, Luyge Jimenez, Paugaco, , Deborah Kempson, Martin Raymond, Carlo Vanschoenwinkel, Peter Just, Arnorld Beaton, Rúben Sesma, George Deme, Ivan Perez, Werner Moecke, Emzar Khiskiadze, Rajesh Kapila, Pascal “Paco“, Juan Rancano, Robert Eno, David Matas, Wiebke Ulfig, Harry Advic, Zexuan Zhao, Giovanni Visentini, Francisco Vila Nova, Robert McMullan, Kevin Orduna, Alex Ulibka, Louie Vo, Adam Woodhall, Matthew M, Markus Staribacher, Eduardo Menezes, Steff, Georgelos Katechis, Felix Thuerwaec, Hunter Owens, Jason Wallace, Stojke, Kyle, Aleksandar Milic, Marc Mieher, John S. Rostash, Anette, Don Van D, Tom S.
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5 months ago 01:27:07 2
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