“Darktown Strutters’ Ball“ Preview - Lucien Barbarin & Shannon Powell - from TRADITION IS A TEMPLE

“Darktown Strutters’ Ball“ Preview - Lucien Barbarin Shannon Powell excerpt from TRADITION IS A TEMPLE: The Modern Masters of New Orleans, vol. I a motion picture of New Orleans music TRADITION IS A TEMPLE explores New Orleans’ unique musical culture and the fragility of tradition in the modern world. The movie weaves together intimate personal discussions shot over a four year span with once-in-a-lifetime studio performances by New Orleans greats, such as Shannon Powell, Lucien Barbarin, Jason Marsalis, Topsy Chapman, Steve Masakowski, Ed Petersen, Roland Guerin, The Tremé Brass Band and many more. This portrait of New Orleans music culture highlights the musician’s upbringing, how tradition shaped their identity and continues to inspire young people today. The film reminds us that the music of New Orleans is the root of popular American music. Without this music, we have no Hip-Hop, no Rhythm Blues, no Funk and no Rock n’ Roll. Get rea
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