PSICOTERROR “1991-2016” book

PSICOTERROR “1991-2016” Presenting the longest active Peruvian zine, which has been in existence for over 25 years, in its entirety. For the first time ever, the early Spanish issues have been translated into English but keep their original layout. All 10 issues from 1991 to 2016! Nearly 200 interviews and many articles and band presentations covering mainly Black Metal, Death Metal, Martial Industrial and Dark ambient. Interviews with: ABIGOR, ABYSSIC HATE, ACHERON, AFFLICTED, AGHAST, AJNA OFFENSIVE, ALLERSEELEN, ALTAR OF PERVERSION, ANAEL, ANCIENT, ANCIENT RITES, ANESTESIA, ANGELCORPSE, APOCALYPTIC RAIDS, APOLLYON, ARBEIT, ARDITI, ARGHOSLENT, ARKHETH, ASMODIS, ATARAXIA, ATROFIA CEREBRAL, AXIS OF ADVANCE, AZAZEL, BEHEMOTH, BELPHEGOR, BILSKIRNIR, BLACK PROPHECIES, BLEMISH, BLOOD AXIS, CAMPO DE MAYO, CERNUNNOS WOODS, CHANGES, CHEMIKILLER, CHORONZON, CIANIDE,
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