ESPN Suspends Sports Reporter for Leaked Diversity Comments | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about how ESPN is punishing Rachel Nichols for her leaked “diversity” comments about Maria Taylor, press secretary Jen Psaki admitting that the Biden administration will support “any” measures states implement to deal with COVID, and Donald Trump’s major lawsuit against big tech. First, Dave discusses the growing scandal around Rachel Nichols leaked comments from a private conversation where she discussed Maria Taylor being used by ESPN to hit their diversity targets. Rachel has now been removed from ESPN NBA finals sideline coverage. Next, Dave discusses comments from Jen Psaki where she was asked if the White House would reimpose any COVID restrictions if COVID cases continued to increase. Psaki said that Biden would support “any” measures that the states felt were necessary to keep people safe. Finally, Donald Trump just announced that he is launching a massive lawsuit against the big tech companies. This is his response to being banned from almost all social media comp
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