Jody Sperling performs Loie Fuller style solo “Night Winds“

Jody Sperling performs in style of early modern dance pioneer Loie Fuller. “Roman Sketches“ is 5-part suite set to music of Charles Griffes that is a lush synthesis of lighting, music, and motion. In this final “Night Winds“ solo, Sperling works up tempest with her gigantic wings while hovering on a box containing a light within. This solo inspired the later dances that Sperling created for the movie “The Dancer,“ starring SoKo as Loie Fuller. Performed & Choreographed by Jody Sperling Lighting: David Ferri; Piano: Jeffrey Middleton; Costume: Michelle Ferranti Videotaped at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, May 11, 2007 This work was made in part during a residency commissioned by Vermont Performance Lab, LLC. and Marlboro College. copyright, all rights reserved
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