Panasonic Varicam LT and Kowa Cine Prominar Anamorphic 40mm Lens and Camera Test
Camera and Lens Test of Panasonic Varicam LT and Kowa Cine Prominar 40mm Anamorphic Lens.
Shot on MOV Apple Prores 2k.
Afternoon sunny camera and lens test.
DOP: Enos Olik
Producer: Fuadi Mbigi
Editor: Rango M
Gaffer: Isaac Awene
Model: Mis Wairimu
Colorist: Enos Olik
Music: Meydan - Between (Alternative Version)
Shot on Panasonic Varicam LT with Kowa Cine Prominar 40mm Anamorphic Lens
Edited on Adobe Premier Pro
Grading Done in Davinci Resolve