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#Bread #bread baking # bread rolls Today I baked the 2 million bread for you. See for yourself whether it turned out as good as the 2.2 million bread. Here is the new recipe: 3 cups of flour 600g type 550 weighed. 2 teaspoons sea salt 11g. 1.5 cups warm water, 450 ml. Dry yeast 1 tsp. Roast 3 hours 50 ml water for steaming. Bake the bread at 250 degrees for the first 10 minutes without a lid, however steam with 50 ml. water beforehand. Then let off the steam and bake for another 20 minutes with the lid on at 220 degrees. After the 30 minutes the bread was taken out of the mold and baked for another 35 minutes until it was crusty. Top / bottom heat at 220 degrees. Have fun baking. ❤️‍ If you like the video, I would be happy if you liked it! Otherwise, just follow me or subscribe and don’t miss any of my videos! Animation free world map own photos globe
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