Paretroplus menarambo. The PRETTIEST Cichlid of Madagascar! (Leopard Aquatic I053A)

Leopard Aquatic I053A Madagascar Cichlid (Paretroplus menarambo) is also called Pinstripe Damba Cichlid. It is one of the most beautiful cichlids from Madagascar. It has deep body with vague black bars. # Habitat: River basin with sandy bottom and a lot of hiding places is the natural habitat of it. # Water parameter: pH: TDS: 300-500 ppm (hard water) Temperature: 24-26°C # Max length: 25 cm Usual size on trade: 4 cm and 5 cm # Characteristic: Madagascar cichlid is an aggressive fish that need to be kept with at least 5-6 individuals in one tank. Rocky decoration with plenty swimming ar...ea will give them freedom and more natural feels. Planted tank is not recommended. Since it produces high amount of biowaste, water change is important to keep ammoniac level low. # Diet: Floating pellets that fit into its mouth, frozen bloodworm, daphia and shrimps will keep it happy. # Suitable tank mates: Other Tanganyika Cichlids, Plecos and Synodonthis Unsuitable tank mates: Small Tetras, Zebra Danio, Invertebrates and gouramis. # #leopardaquatic #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquarium #nature #fish #ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish #aquarium #amazingnature #hardscape #africancichlid #madagascar #madagascarcichlid #paretroplusmenarambo
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